My Whole Heart


On January 13, 2014, we welcomed our son, Everett Atlas, into the world. Never before have I felt I had such purpose in the world. I realize this notion is shared by most mothers, but motherhood has such a profound meaning for me specifically because of my childhood. Ever has brought the most pure type of joy to our little family, and has truly filled every hole left in my heart. Best thing I've ever made, hands down.


New Site!


Things have been exciting around here, to say the least. Got married, bought a house, rescued a dog, had a baby, and all without updating my portfolio site! This was in need of a serious overhaul, almost as serious as the one I've experienced in my personal life. 

I hope you enjoy new highlights of my work. I am currently looking for new opportunities including collaborations, connections and freelance projects. Thanks for stopping by!
